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Dismantling the Matrix


World War Three Updates

This breaking news from UK Column is absolute dynamite. It presents irrefutable evidence of what is now emerging as  the biggest fraud of all time.

We are looking at hard data that evinces a monstrous deceit that comprises a deadly psychological warfare operation that has killed or injured millions and will probably continue to do so for some considerable time.

The data comes from the United States and should, if there is any justice left in that country, result in the arrest and prosecution of those who were the architects and accomplices of this crime. However, it mirrors the same or similar operations conducted against the people of  the UK and other countries around the world and as such is the tip of a devastating iceberg.

The people responsible have waged a covert war against us but now their cover is blown and we can fight back to defend and liberate our countries and those we care about.

Aside from getting justice for the murders and grievous bodily harm already committed, the emergence of this data enables us to predict how the criminals operating through our bought and blackmailed politicians and bureaucrats will orchestrate their next attack.

Forewarned is forearmed; let’s be ready for them next time.

These important revelations come in two parts. Both are presented below and we highly recommend you watch them both and share them on any and every communication line available to you.

Let’s fight back better!

Watch  Part One

Watch Part Two

Imperial Mind Games: the Trump-Harris-Kennedy Puppet Show explained

31 August 2024

What have we learned? How the world was driven mad by the seriously unhinged

April 14, 2024

What sort of bloke was Jesus really?

One of the first freedom fighters murdered as a terrorist and then used as reminder for two millennia and counting…

and other Greenhouse Beverages to Save the Planet

Originally published in The Daily Scare. Featured on UK Reloaded and The Liberty Beacon

The Death Throes of Empire? Beware the thrashing tail!

An insightful look at the Israel/Palestine tragedy

The WHO program that threatens Mankind



Mass Poisoning disaster: now the truth is undeniable and unavoidable

Guilty parties launch desperate damage-limitation psyop in effort to avoid public wrath

Government to Ban Brussels Sprouts

Latest Move will Save the Planet, says Ministry of Vegetables

Dangerously flawed, if not downright fraudulent - scientists expose climate change data Climate terror narrative faces unprecedented threat as it collides with reality

Serious crimes by people in government reported to police by British MP

Gross negligent manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, fraud, murder, manslaughter and grievous bodily harm: the public awaits police response

Evidently the management of the planet is currently in the hands of people with no morals, no conscience and no willingness to stop lying to us even for one cotton-picking minute.

Let's buck  up our ideas and get free


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