Man the Solver and the New Renaissance: the Solutions are out there – part two
Such is the effort of the enemies and would-be jailers of humanity to spread a smokescreen of turmoil and dismay, it is easy to lose sight for a while of the fact that at this point in our history humanity stands at the threshold of a New Renaissance, a resurgence of the culture of this planet’s human community greater than any in recorded history.
This aborning New Renaissance has many aspects. Two such are the heartening grassroots humanitarian global revolts against the genocide in Gaza and the Covid Psyop and Pseudovaccine Mass Poisoning Event.
And there are many other aspects in the arts and sciences, in the humanities, in medicine, agriculture and so forth – advances in human knowledge and capabilities that the aforesaid would-be jailers have tried with grim determination to strangle at birth but have manifestly failed so to do.
We are going to make it our business, in the name of the Global Rebirth, to bring these myriad advances to your attention so that you can give them your consideration and, we trust, be encouraged to embrace the vast potential of us humans, a potential that those seeking to keep humanity cowed will not willingly allow you to see.
So let us take a look now at a Heroine of the Evolution, a thought leader in the flourishing of medicine that promises and delivers so much more than the Biochemical-Industrial Complex ever could in terms of your health and wellbeing..
In brief:
Merlee Harris ND has devoted over 40 years to the cause of helping others achieve health, wellbeing and spiritual development.
There is probably no higher purpose for life than to help so the hard-won opportunity to help others has been an exciting and rewarding journey of both discovery and self-discovery, an experience for which she remains profoundly grateful.
Merlee facilitates health and wellbeing retreats in several countries. The Sanctuary of Light, her previous London clinic, gave 25 years of service and, today, her Beechcroft Retreats in Sussex has been going strong for nearly a quarter of a century.
Continuing to work with enthusiasm, passion and integrity, she has helped people from all over the world with various health problems and continues her personal spiritual path to this day.
In June 2007 Merlee was awarded the BEAMM for Recognition of Enterprise, Excellence and Achievement.
In August 2014, The Global Directory of Who’s Who, honoured her as a Lifetime Member, in recognition of her hard work, dedication and perseverance and for demonstrating leadership and contributions to the medical profession as a Top Health Professional.
In April 2022 she won a Speakers Are Leaders award for Extraordinary Client Results
As an author, Merlee has expanded her repertoire still further by sharing her years of hard-won expertise with the publication of two books, which you can take a look at here.
Find out more about Merlee Harris’ work: